Superhero Summer!

Superhero Summer

What’s your super power? Is it being a good friend? A love of learning? Problem solving? Being a good listener? Having empathy? Being a good citizen? This year’s Summer of Learning encouraged youth to explore kindness, empathy, and making the world a better place for everyone!

Looking for something to read? Check out our Superhero reading lists!

Meet Civ!


Civ is committed to helping people. They love their community, know their neighbors by name and share their positive outlook with everyone. You can find them organizing a neighborhood clean-up party or setting up a lemonade stand on their street.

This is Em!


Em practices self-care and models compassion by being an active listener. They know the importance of kindness and gratitude. You might see them listening to a friend, helping a neighbor or playing games with younger kids – this is how they show they care. 

Greetings Lea!


Lea loves to learn and share new things. They understand that learning and knowledge comes from looking at things from all angles, and they enjoy seeking out different viewpoints. You might find them at the Library with a stack of books or asking their friends interesting questions or sharing what they have discovered.

Hello Sol!


Sol loves art of all kinds – painting, music, dance, writing, acting – to express emotions and solve problems. Being able to turn a challenge into an opportunity makes them feel alive. Their creative mindset allows them to see situations from different perspectives. They are a great team player with their artistic talent and ability to work with others.

Visit the Burke Museum

Burke Museum logo

All Summer of Learning participants and their families were invited to join a free end-of-the summer celebration at the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture on the University of Washington campus on Sunday, August 28, 2022.

Adult Book Bingo

Book Bingo

Every summer we partner with Seattle Arts & Lectures (SAL) to create a Summer Book Bingo card for adults. Download a bingo card and play just for fun.

About the Artists

About the Artists

The Library and six local artists – Brandon “BT” Thomas, Gabby Park, Jorge Villavicencio, Sharon Tu, Sloane Miller, and Cyrus Brown – collaborated on artwork for the Summer of Learning.